Monday, January 21, 2008

The Beginning of an Era (without an explosion)

Part One: What and Why?

Amanda's explanation of this blog
:Yes, everyone, it is true. Katie and I have decided to start a blog. Do not worry, it will not be an alarming blog of the sort where we announce frightening announcements about the frights of being announced in a frightful manner (no, none of that). It will simply relay the information that we have gathered in our lives that have brought us to be the amazing people we are. We feel that it is time we share our greatness with the world that has in turn, led us into being exceptional roommates. We hardly ever fight, nothing annoys us about each other, and we are almost perfect in our courteousness towards one another. A better roommate you will not find anywhere than in each of us. I might as well say it: we are outstanding. Gold stars all around.

katie's explanation of this blog:
amanda wants to be as cool as timothy. i just want to finally get all of our secret fights out in the open for all the world to see. (for all the world to knee) its about time we were honest with the world. like when amanda has to pee while i am in the shower. i am enjoying the peace and warmth of a good morning shower and amanda comes barging in and disrupts it all. and then she storms out and causes a power outage while i am still in the bathroom. imagine the selfishness of using a heater and a blowdryer all at once. i mean seriously. this all happened within the first twenty minutes of greeting the day.

Part Next: Parts and Pieces

Current Event(s): As of 8:37 pm on January the 21st, 2008 Katie Schnose, Amanda Johnson, and Martha Suddarth worked on crocheting a scarf, a sock, and another scarf. They enjoyed each other's company.

News Update(s): In Crocheting, the abbreviation "FO" stands for "Finished Object". It has yet to prove to be a useful term.

Investigative Journalism: There is cigarette smoke smell in our bathroom. A triumph point for anyone who can make this go away permanently.

Helpful Roommate Hint(s): When you awake, and find that your roommate is in the shower, gently knock on the door, and slip your head in to ask if you may quickly and quietly brush your teeth. If the answer is positive, i.e."Yes, come right in", then you may enter and commence with your task. While brushing your teeth, engage your roommate in pleasant conversation about the going-ons of her day. When you are finished, wish the showering roommate a "Grand day", and go back to your room to finished getting ready. Under no circumstance are you to plug in and use both your hair dryer and space heater at the same time, for this could result in causing a power outage in both your room and the bathroom, where your roommate has been showering, for she will now be in the dark, as well as cold and wet. Though, later in the day, you may find that your roommate was overjoyed at your interruption, and was glad to hear your voice. It might have even made her have a better overall Monday than she would have had without your early morning greeting. true. see, I thought so.

Triumph Update(s): There are no current challenges other than the one stated in Investigative Journalism. If you would like to be considered for a Triumph Point, please leave a post, and your request will be considered by the council (the Council of Awesome, that is).

Upcoming Event(s):
A wedding is occurring this Saturday, the twenty-sixth of January. Come if you are invited. If you are not, stay home.

Part Three: Ends and Snippets

Thank you for reading or for skimming to the end to see how long is this. Enjoy your day. Have a drink treat. Watch some Robin Hood of the BBC. And take a nap at 10 o'clock in the evening, before bedtime. or 10 o'clock in the morning after eating breakfast and reading the paper. if you happen to be so lucky. which you should be.

Coming Soon:
Our Favorite Things List, Asian Lawn Party Season 2, and an In Depth Look at the Art in Our Home.


Juliet said...

This is amazing. I have now bookmarked it under B for Blog.

Actually, no. I have placed it under C for The Compounded.

papathebald said...

Most excellent.
Please continue.

Timothy said...

This blog is long overdue. The public has been clamoring for it. Thank you for fulfilling that desire.

Jeremy D. Ford said...

Don't forget to post again. One time I forgot to post again, and then I realized a year had passed.

papathebald said...


In the realm of removing smoke, the plethora of worthless information is daunting. However there are a few practical ideas that seem to have some merit, and some of those actually reduce the smoke smell.

1.) Move. This seems to be a repeated theme by those with limitless funds and limited intelligence and no fire hoses available (at least ones that are connected to an adequate supply and pressure of water).

2.) Carefully caulk all windows, floors, doorways (exterior). Drill a 3" hole from an exterior position of easy access, within 6 inches of the ceiling. Insert nozzle of fire hose. Fill to one inch from ceiling. Wait 4 days. Drain.
Note: It is important to have a suitable drain selected or installed BEFORE filling (remember to plug unused drains like in the kitchen or bathroom)
Note 2: It is even MORE important to turn off electricity to the apartment before filling.
Note 3: If your apartment is primarily walled in Sheet rock change "4 days" to "4 minutes or less)".

3). Paint entire interior of apartment (including furniture) with an Enamel Oil based paint. 4 - 6 coats should do.

Less dramatic suggestions:
4.) There are foggers on the market that will remove odor. In severe cases they may take two or three applications. They leave a slight clear residue on furniture, but can be easily wiped off (alleged by manufacturers).

5.) Two house hold (and cheaper) solutions are cinnamon (sticks, left in room or boiled and left to steep in room.) and baking powder (do NOT add water to the powder. Let stand, or dust furniture, set for 2 or more days, vacuum.

The water suggestion has been tried at least once successfully by a friend who studied at MIT but I never found out if the smoke effected the gold fish they put in the water.