Friday, February 8, 2008

As it should be

we begin today on a sad note. my former roommate is no more.
true, it is sad, but when you violate the unwritten and generally assumed rules of team blogging effort, you have to face the consequences. even if they at first seem a little more severe than necessary.

ok so that was false she is not actually gone, just recovering from a sound beating. perhaps i may unshun her long enough that she can say a few words in today's post.

Some more story:
As you may recall, when we last left our heroines, they had narrowly escaped the killer faucet, and had just left the bathroom.

Stay tuned for next week's conclusion of The Impossibly Long Journey Home by Amanda Johnson and Katherine Schnose.

Triumph Updates:
We have rather exciting news. There is not one point trying to be earned, nor just two, there are three and a half Triumph points up for attainability.
1) Timothy posted in the posting area (a rather good place to leave a post, if you ask us) that, let's quote him, "
I hereby propose a challenge for a triumph point: Consecutive weekdays blogging. I propose that 6 months (that is, 80 week daily posts) would constitute a triumph. Multiple posts in a single day would not count." So, Timothy, if you accomplish this, you shall earn a Triumph. Go on your way.
2)Brett is being challenged by everyone to attend each of his Monday night classes through this semester. If he makes it to all of them (unless we allow a skippage that is, and only if we allow it) he will earn a Triumph point. He has so far been to two (three?), so he has a long, long, long, long, long, long way to go.
3)And finally, Katie has given Amanda a choice: either go to at least 2 Royals games a month this season, or do not gain a Triumph. Amanda is choosing to gain a Triumph. (See, it isn't that Amanda doesn't love to go to Royals games, she does. It's just that there are lots of people there, and lots of people are exhausting, and after working all day, she doesn't want exhausting. But enough complaining, she will go-->).
31/2)The half point is a Triumph in the making. More on this later. But it will be between two roommates who you might know, and if you do not know them, perhaps you shouldn't be reading this blog, creep. . .

katie's corner
well i for one am glad that people have decided to step up and try to achieve such wonderful goals. triumphs do not come easily but we are never too busy to give credit where it is due, so i wanted to take a moment to encourage all of you young triumph hopefuls in the beginning of a great journey. i know on that glorious october day when the fist triumph point was awarded to me i felt like i had accomplished something great. i mean think of it to be the first person to triumph over another and start a craze that spirals almost out of control. defeating another person to show undeniably that you are superior is very fulfilling. even in my second triumph, which was not against another person, the evident awe in people's voice when the mention your name is unmistakable. an honor this special does not come around everyday but it is sure to stretch on through the ages so that generations from now we will be remembered for our accomplishments. in conclusion, i say strive on all who aspire to the sort of success that has marked many a day of my life.

Coming Soon: A day in the life of Katie or Amanda, a cookie for Jill for figuring out the crossword's trickiness, and a rumor about Asian Lawn Party the Sequel.

Amanda's Anecdotes and Antidotes:
First off, you might think I wanted to say it is good to have Katie back. You would be correct. So, good job there.
Secondly, when I started typing just now, here at the end of this post, I intended to change the font to green when I was finished--but, amazingly enough, green it became on its own! Wonder on that for a while.
Three.) Recommended reading: Anyone who hasn't read Stephen King's The Dark Tower Series should do so now. I am on book three and it is brilliant. If you haven't started them or are on books 1-3, and you finish them before me, you shall gain a Triumph. Added bonus: I shall be reading all seven books, plus Hearts in Atlantis and Insomnia (before book 5, which is what Timothy has told me to do). If you choose to add these books, and don't finish before me (because I do have a bit of a head start here), the you will automatically gain a Triumph. If you have read them already, then good.


Jeremy D. Ford said...

I like the picture in the top right. I wonder from whence it came. Also, I have been following this blog for some time now, and did not see the crossword puzzle as an update. In fact, it's not even listed now in the "Live Bookmark" wherein all your other posts (I should hope) are marked. I have a link to the answers, but not to the crossword itself. I do believe I would have at least attempted solving it, had I known it was there--as opposed to not knowing, because Amanda distinctly and specifically told me it wouldn't work, so she wasn't going to put it on the blog after all. To that I say this: I will ask Katie next time. Also, you should not post hidden posts. It isn't right.

Amanda and Katie said...

i didn't know it was so hidden. i am sorry.

Juliet said...

I enjoyed this one.

jill johnson said...

i found it just fine. i would like a snickerdoodle cookie if at all possible please.