Friday, February 15, 2008

The Sperm and The Whale

Katie had the worst day of her life.
not quite that bad
Well, it was pretty bad. Now, she is laying on the couch with her eyes closed. Oh, now she is talking, and seeming better. That is a good sign. Whew.
The good news about my day is that I thought I was going to have to be there late, but I didn't.

Please help us define "transmission" as referring to Katie's work. A lady felt very strongly about it today, saying they had sent one to Katie's work. Ah, perhaps it has something to do with "transmitting", Katie thinks.

Question: What is a good new job for Katie? Please leave ideas in the comments. She would like:
1. Something perhaps outside at times
2. Something with projects
3. Something with a desk at times and without one as well
4.Oh, and something without stupid people on the phone. No phone.

That is all about that.

News Update:
Katie has found her phone headphones that she lost so long ago about month ago. She purchased new ones since then, but hates them, so hoorah for finding the old ones.

And now our real thoughts on The Sperm and the Whale.
Actually, it's The Squid and the Whale, but we can hear your thoughts on The Sperm and The Whale as well.
Okay, Katie, what are your thoughts, since I haven't seen the movie?
I thought it was an interesting movie. I don't have much experience with divorce, so I didn't relate to the situation very well. But anyone, and a lot people, probably would.
Did you like the action sequences?
Very riveting.
How about the special effects?
Oh, they were okay.
And what about the character development?
Well, I think the only one who really changes is the oldest son.
How does he change?
He kind of has his opinion about everything, and towards the end, he steps back and sees the situation more clearly.
How did the movie make you feel?
Kind of, a little sad, a little depressed, a little like "oh, that was interesting", a little like hmm.
And in the future, I shall someday watch this movie, if I feel like it.
And that folks is the review of The Squid and The Whale.

And now about Bunicula. Well, Katie hadn't even heard of such a thing, so I had to fill her in and I hardly know a thing as well. It's a bunny who is a vampire. He likes to suck the juices out of vegetables and leaves tiny, cute bunny-vampiric holes in celery and carrots for people to find and be curious about. . . Adam, what the heck made you think of Bunicula? We feel Denmark is messing with your wits. In the future, we should have reading time of this particular tale for all to know and learn of such things.

(We would like to commend Adam for reading our blog, even in Denmark).

And now to quote Katie quoting James 1:1 in the NASB "James Bond, a servant of God. . ."

You might think we forgot to mention one idea from the posts, the one I am referring to is Juliet's thoughts on the best yells from Robin Hood--A clue. No, we did not. We shall be reviewing the tapes, and you will soon know our thoughts. But yes, "This is an ambush!" is high on the list. Could you please specify if the calls must come from Robin Hood himself, or from the show in general. Thank you.

And now we are going to try an experiment. . . We call it "Interview of Brett-A Test".


Juliet said...

Well, at the time I was referring to just Robin. But, I spose it could be anyone.

I've never heard of Bunicula, but katie carder has. good for you, katie carder.

Jake said...

I am so glad that you chose to tell us your thoughts on the squid and the whale, as opposed to publicly humiliating me because I asked you to. Today I finished that book you lent me. It was everything i could ever hope for in words plus a little extra. Much better than the other one.

papathebald said...

Brett deserves a Triumph for his video, unless he didn't have any say in it, in which case YOU both deserve a triumph for doing it without his permission.

Also, you asked a question regarding vocational possibilities for Katie: Since "Jesus" isn't an occupation, that can't be the answer, so the second most popular answer must be it: "Missionary", although to be entirely accurate to your specifications, I would rule out "Missionary at headquarters" and think more towards "Missionary on field". The only reservation I have in unreservedly proposing this unreserved suggestion, is the "stupid people on the telephone", because most jobs that pay money demand SOME working with people, and since that automatically opens you up to all kinds and varieties of "stupid" people (pseudo, true, and/or worse 'stupid') . . . well let's just say, "I love the ministry. It's the people I can't stand." (Dr. Howie Hendricks)

Adam said...

A new idea:

Commendations. They could have a similar feel to Triumph points but used in a different context.

Adam said...

Question: What is a good new job for Katie? Please leave ideas in the comments. She would like:
1. Something perhaps outside at times
2. Something with projects
3. Something with a desk at times and without one as well
4.Oh, and something without stupid people on the phone. No phone.

1. A forest ranger
2. A project manager
3. A teacher
4. A mime

So, if shove all these things into the jobcombobulator (crunch, squeeze, squirt) we get....

A P.E. coach for deaf children!

Yes, I'm having fun with HTML.

Jake said...

Katie should totally teach deaf children how to run!

jill johnson said...

i was disappointed by the brett interview. i don't think questions about his sisters' ages is funny. i was hoping for something funny or at the least tongue in cheek. however, i do strongly approve of the existence of brett video interviews as an addition to the occasional blogpost.

jill johnson said...

also, katie can have my job for free!

(however, it does include a phone and stupid people. but it doesn't include a desk or necessarily being inside for mondays, tuesdays and wednesday mornings because there is not working on those days.)